A Review of Human Heart Nature’s Nappy Cream and Dishwashing Liquid

March 20, 2018

Sharing our review of our favorite Human Heart Nature Nappy Cream and Dishwashing Liquid.

We all love to use natural or naturally-based products because of their supposed efficacy while remaining gentle to the body. The popularity of natural products has increased because of the many reports about synthetic products that cause irritations and, in some cases, great bodily harm. This may not be true in all cases but, of course, nobody wants to take the risk which is why they settle for natural or at least, naturally-based products.

A Review of Human Heart Nature’s Nappy Cream and Dishwashing Liquid

For new parents like us, it is best to take extra caution when buying and using products for babies. Their bodies are still developing and can easily be harmed when using harsh, chemical-based products. Their skin, most especially, is still vulnerable to irritation and allergies. 

That is why when we were looking for skin care and bottle cleaning products for our baby, we readily opted for Human Hear Nature’s Nappy Cream and Dishwashing Liquid. We have previously used Human Heart Nature’s hand sanitizer and massage oils and we thought these were good. What we loved was the scent because they smelled fresh and relaxing.

Human Heart Nature Natural Nappy Cream

Human Heart Nature Nappy Cream
Keep your little ones rash-free, naturally

This product is 100% natural, fragrance-free, and non-nano. Wait, what is non-nano? Let’s define a nanoparticle first. This is a very fine article that is 1 to 100 nanometers in size. A nanoparticle is so small that it will enter the bloodstream as opposed to a non-nano that will not enter the bloodstream. It is for this reason that a non-nano particle is considered safer and is preferred.

Zinc oxide is widely used in cosmetics for its water-repellent properties. Human Heart Nature Natural Nappy Cream, therefore, is an effective protective barrier against wetness.

Aside from zinc oxide, Human Heart Nature Natural Nappy Cream contains coconut oil which is an effective moisturizer, and Vitamin E gently nourishes baby’s skin.

Baby’s wet diapers contain digestive enzymes and ammonia. These can cause rashes and can make irritated skin even sorer. To prevent diaper rash, apply nappy cream at every diaper change to protect your baby’s delicate skin from the contents of their nappy.

We found this product very effective. We did not initially use nappy cream for our baby because we thought keeping him dry is enough. After some time, he developed rashes so we decided to try Human Heart Nature Natural Nappy Cream. After three days of using it, his diaper rashes improved and eventually went away. We have been fans of this product ever since.

Human Heart Nature Natural Dishwashing Liquid

Human Heart Nature Dishwashing Liquid

We did not want to use regular dishwashing liquid for our baby’s feeding bottles so we decided to buy this product. It was a bit pricey but, again, we did not want to scrimp on our little one.

This dishwashing liquid boasts of keeping dishes in pristine condition with powerful locally-sourced coconut cleansers that cut through grease without leaving any chemical residue.

This is gentle and non-drying on hands, biodegradable and non-toxic, free from synthetic fragrances & dyes, and free from phosphates & chlorine that damage water ecosystems.

We got the grapefruit-orange scented variant and we are very happy with it. The Human Heart Nature Natural Dishwashing Liquid is an effective cleanser without the bad stuff from other similar chemical-based cleansers.

About Human Heart Nature

The company was established in 2014 with the commitment to provide top-quality, natural goodness in every product. The Human Nature Manufacturing Plant in Canlubang, Laguna serves as the heart and core of Human Nature. It upholds the highest possible standards in production and quality control; its microbial standards, for example, are 100 times stricter than the Philippine FDA allowable limits in cosmetics.

Human Nature is a genuinely natural personal care, cosmetics, and home care brand. Every product we make is a pledge to goodness and integrity.

While all the ingredients they use are farmed safely, sustainably, and naturally, not all of their partner farming communities can afford to get an organic certification -- as such, they do not carry the organic tag. However, they assure consumers that their genuinely natural personal care products do not contain any harmful synthetic chemicals.

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